Shift Session

Thought Partner Call | Planning and Strategy | Virtual Support

Come to a pay-what-you’re-able support space with a specific question or challenge and collaborate on low-stakes, high-impact solution finding.

When you feel like you can’t see all of the sticking points or how to get through them on your own, it can be useful to have someone outside of your orbit to create space to see the larger picture that you're just too close to see with clarity on your own. Come to a Shift Session to tune in or for a tune up, once or regularly, whenever you’re craving a trusted thought partner to explore the edges of your work with your reality, your nervous system, and your values in mind.

Shift Sessions are pay-what-you're-able as part of our commitment to radical generosity and to create financial accessibility if coaching or consulting services are otherwise cost-prohibitive for you.

what we can explore together

making a plan

Strategies for creating and launching a new offering in a way that feels sustainable, spacious, and values aligned, not confined.

feeling stuck

Reframing and new perspectives to shift out of a feeling of stuckness in your business and next right steps to move forward that honor your needs, capacity, and desires.

Right exchange

Talking through your mix of offerings and how to set pricing that abundantly provides for you while being radically generous to the people you serve.

choose your own adventure

A sounding board for the question that’s on your heart to help you find the edges of what you need and how to get you there.

The process

  • One-off consulting / coaching session


    • 60-minute Strategy Call: meet with Maggie to tease out what’s tangled in your business and find new threads to pull on

    • Two Weeks of Virtual Collaboration: continued email support with Maggie to integrate and solidify your insights and next moves

    • Call Notes and Additional Resources: a snapshot of what you discuss, plus related resources to pursue


    Shift Sessions can happen once, once in a blue moon, or as frequently as you’d like. Some clients find it helpful to book a call on a quarterly basis for a check-in and a realignment and have done so for years.


Your Rest Day Support Pal

Photo of Maggie Gentry, a white woman with curly shoulder-length brown hair and glasses wearing a white v-neck dress and smiling in front of a sculpture of sticks


Investment: Pay-What-You’re-Able

Financial ability should never limit the support you need, which is why Shift Sessions are pay-what-you’re-able to offer an opportunity for service at a monetary exchange that feels possible for you.

It’s common practice for creative businesses to charge a premium for their one-on-one time, and while we’re all in for well-compensated labor, we’ve done the exact opposite to dismantle additional barriers that keep our “high-level” offerings out of reach for anyone with less financial means.

Check in with our commitment to financial accessibility and transparency, and learn more about economic justice and financial accessibility in our resource hub.

Sustain Work Intensive

Want to back your ideation with intentional creation?
Get started with a key component of your project made for you with a Sustain Work Intensive.