cozy up in your reading chair.

Here you'll find a selection of books according to topics we recommend, including anticapitalist business, generating and sustaining communities of care, body liberation, and more. Our intention is to grow this library over time, so feel free to check back later. If there are titles or links you think would be particularly good additions to the library, let us know! In the future, we hope to add fiction to our library too, because what’s anticapitalism really without a solid amount of play?

Browse the stacks

Reading Reciprocity

A small percentage from books bought through this library goes to support Rest Day and our efforts, but if you prefer, you can also click the "Choose a Bookstore" link in the top right corner of any book page to select a local bookstore of your choice to receive the proceeds from what you purchase.

If you'd rather get your books from another source, like a local in-person library, we love that! We curated these lists as one of our initiatives toward radical generosity without any expectation for transaction and just chose this method for sake of ease. If you find a book you resonate with, and a non-monetary exchange feels good for you, might we suggest leaving a review for the author in support of their work, or recommending the book to a friend?

If you are still hell-bent on supporting us and our initiatives (thank you!) but you’d like an alternative to the library, we’d love for you to share our work, take part in one of our other offerings, or if you’d like to contribute financially, you can donate.

Stay Resourceful.

Rabbit-hole into new-to-you views.

Meet your new favorite people.

Doodle of a dark wavy haired femme-presenting person with eyes closed, long eyelashes, red dots for flushed cheeks, and a serene smile

we write too!

We see you, bookworm. You’ve flipped through the library pages, but you still want more words. You want those words to come from us? We’re flattered.