Get those new Education sensations.

Welcome to the primary center of our Resource Hub! What’s here is by no means comprehensive, but neither is it brief. We’ve built this library this way on purpose, in order to allow you to follow a spiral of learning, dip in and out, and return many times over to potentially just engage with one or two things at a time and know there’s no urgency, or even ability, to complete everything that’s here. The hope is whatever you connect with, it leaves you with a richer understanding.


Anticapitalist and Care-Oriented Business Frameworks

Solidarity Economy and Wealth Redistribution

Community Solidarity and Trauma Resilience

Building Relationship Care and Structures

Polycrisis, Climate Collapse, and Eco-solidarity

Bridging Connection

Because of the continual influx of content, sometimes incredible, thoughtful takes get seen and then don’t have a platform to return to later. Rather than always having to stumble upon great writing the week it’s written or miss it entirely, we wanted to gather together resources that have made us think or feel less alone so anyone can find them well after they’ve been published. This is a starting place that we’ll grow over time, and if there are resources that stop you in your tracks, tell us so we can share them here too!

What you find here is the result of real labor and time on the part of these organizations and creators. Their genius and intention make all of us smarter and more connected than we would be without them.

If that feels worth showing some gratitude and recognition of their efforts, then consider subscribing to their newsletters, paying for their work, and sharing what they’ve shared with the people you care about (especially those who you really feel could use what they have to say).

Keep Getting ResourceD.

Get cozy in your reading chair.

Find your next great expander.

Rest into some of our writing.

Recognition through compensation

We’re grateful that not all exchange in life is money-based (how boring that would be!), but we do spend our time and resources curating these reading recs. The thoughtful consideration is energy we love to spend, but it’s energy spent all the same.

Not everyone who comes here wants to or is able to hire us for creative services, but if you still want to monetarily support our initiatives and continued efforts to be able to provide resources freely, we want to make sure that options exist outside of our service-based offerings. 100% of all payment (after processing fees) goes to building and sustaining our worker cooperative by funding our community care and labor initiatives and income is shared equally amongst our team.

Doodle image of a fat squat ripe red tomato with ribbon looking leaves poking out of the top