Let’s Get resourced, together.

Scroll through our database of educational resources with curated links on worker cooperatives, the solidarity economy, relationship structures, and more.

Thumb through the books in our reading library and find your next read on topics like anticapitalist, community-oriented business, queer joy and collective liberation.

Explore our brains and thoughts to round out your person-centered deep dive and inspire wonder and sense of possibility for creating and living in the world you want to see.

Find your new partners for creative business, art, personal expansion, and anticapitalist, anti-oppression education in our community referral network.

The futures we want to build, and probably the futures you want to build too, are going to require togetherness to get there.

None of this — literally none — would exist without the expansion we’ve been invited into because of the words, passion, and solidarity of other people. We take pride in the skills and heart we provide through our work — but we also look to the talent and wisdom of other exceptional creators, thinkers, and envelope-pushers.

We didn’t set out to be anticapitalist, anti-oppression educators, and despite some appearances, we still don’t consider ourselves to be (that’s why we have a whole list so you can find the magic of the people who do).

We are some regular-ass humans fumbling our way through learning, showing up, and experimenting, and we curated these resources so maybe your next move looks a little less fumble-y than ours have.

Discernment + softness

Doodle image of a light green daisy-type flower with a peach center

Here’s what we ask for from you in this space — and actually in all the spaces we share.

Engage with the people, writings, and resources from your heart first.

Giving the benefit of the doubt is a highly underrated skill! Not every thought or offering here holds our beliefs, and they might not hold yours. We trust you to have the autonomy and agency to determine what works for you while holding respect for the perspective at the same time.

Come with your common sense, a strong backbone of self, and compassionate discernment, because on the other side of every interaction, book, or think piece, there’s a human who has squishy human fears and needs just like you. Let that human be free to learn and change just as you would want to be.

You never know — you just might be delighted and changed if you do.

Keep our resource library fully resourced

Share the incredible work, organizations, think pieces, power people, artistic softies, and revolutionaries you know and know of all of us can get to know them too.