Meet your next great connector.

Doodle image of a small cartoon, almost stick-figure white person on a hike, wearing a gentle smiley face expression, black hat, light blue shirt, light green backpack, dark green shorts, and red hiking pants

This is a standing list of people in our community who have similar values doing similar work or work adjacent to our work, artists whose work we want to uplift, as well as anticapitalist and anti-oppression educators.

Our community referral network exists because we want to showcase work from peers, mentors, and teachers that we find valuable. Especially when it comes to sharing the work of peers, we also want to dismantle the scarcity mentality around thinking there’s not enough room for us all. There is, and we hope you find people here that help you meet your needs and expand your thinking into greater solidarity and creativity around how you show up.

Doodle image of a peach colored round clay pot with a small neck and two handles, and a pattern of four red checks on it

Meet Your Next Great Connector.

Go to the source.

Read writing from us.

Take yourself on brain deep dive.

Find your next great read.

Send Us Your People!

We know this list is far from comprehensive, considering how many phenomenal people there are out there doing incredible work to build futures, art, and connection that matters. Tell us who you know that is!