Visionary Brand Guide

Deep Dive Brand Process | Brand Visuals

Meet your new venture with values-infused visuals, or strengthen your existing presence with a re-brand that’s as resonant on the outside as the core of you feels on the inside.

The Visionary Brand Guide is for you if you already feel solid on your messaging and you’ve got a website you love, but you want a visual experience that reflects what you say and how you say it. We’ll do a values deep dive to ensure your visuals match not only your vision, but also your values — because otherwise what’s the point? We want to give you design that you want to stand behind, because you understand exactly how it’s connected to the mission and vision of your work.

Then what? As a bonus, once you’ve gotten Rest Day branding, we can be on hand to create your other visual assets too.

The process

  • Define your values, your core business needs, and Your Why statement to use as a basis for all of your branding and business decisions.


    • Own Your Why Intake: a questionnaire that’s one part guided journaling and one part cute nudge to get real (and really kind!) with yourself

    • Two-Hour Kickoff Session: unearth your values and the core needs of you and your business in a heartfelt container of discovery, coaching, and support

    • Two Weeks of Revisions: dedicated time for internal integration and refinement of your values to create and truly feel Your Why statement

  • Translate your vision from words into visuals that reflect your felt sense and knowing about what you provide.


    • Design Discovery Questionnaire: merge your personal knowing with your visual preferences to evoke a feeling that speaks without saying a thing

    • Mood Board Presentation: get an idea of the visual translation of your words as a felt sense and feeling

    • 30-Min Call: brand board discussion with Rylee to hone in on the direction of your visual identity

    • 2-3 Brand Concepts Presentation: your ideas distilled into cohesive concepts with logo options, brand colors, fonts, and distinctive visuals

    • 30-Min Call: call with Rylee to narrow down the concepts and choose which one to create from

    • Two Rounds of Revisions on the refined Brand Concept

    • Visual Deliverables: complete brand identity with all brand files and a brand style guide


Your Rest Day Support Pals

Photo of Maggie Gentry, a white woman with curly shoulder-length brown hair and glasses wearing a white v-neck dress and smiling in front of a sculpture of sticks


Photo of Rylee Paxton, a white woman with dark brown hair pulled back, smiling delightedly with eyes closed and a scrunched nose, holding an ice cream cone up to her face, taken at nighttime on the street in Los Angeles


Investment: Economic Justice Edition

As part of our commitment to financial accessibility and to create access where marginalization and systemic oppression are often a barrier, all of our service-based offerings are based on sliding scale pricing. This pricing scale allows you to consider your intersections of privilege and choose accordingly. Extended payment plans beyond what you see here are available to distribute smaller amounts over more months if needed.

community rate

Starts at $2,750/mo for 2 months

  • This is a reduced rate for those experiencing financial hardship, or who have been impacted by systemic inequity. Please choose this rate if you are Black, Indigenous, a person of color, a member of the LGBTQIAP2-S+ community, live with disabilities, or otherwise know the full rate would cause significant financial hardship. (We got you, babe!)

full rate

Starts at $3,500/mo for 2 months

  • This rate is the actual cost of our labor and resources for this offering. Please choose this rate if you are able to comfortably meet your basic needs with room for some expendable purchases. This is for you if you feel like this rate may cause temporary trade-offs for you but know it will not cause significant financial hardship. (We love a financially responsible hottie!)

pay-it-forward rate

Starts at $4,250/mo for 2 months

  • This rate is the actual cost plus the cost to supplement the reduced rate to make our community access possible. Please choose this rate if you benefit from financial support or systemic privilege that includes access to financial security, property ownership, or generational wealth. (Look at you being a community-supporting cutie!)

Learn more about where you fall on the sliding scale based on your personal financial experience and privilege, check in with our commitment to financial accessibility and transparency, and learn more about sliding scale, economic justice, and financial accessibility in our resource hub.

Ready to visualize your values and your visions?