Thought Partnership + Co-Creation

Ongoing Thought Partnership | Full Ecosystem Planning and Strategy | Multi-Project Implementation

Ground your work and your nervous system with new perspectives, long-term solutions, and dedicated creation support across the seasons of your business.

Ongoing thought partnership and co-creation is like having business partners who hold the vision of your work at the forefront — while egos take the backseat — plus the added benefit of on-the-ground creation for real deliverables so you don’t have to just take what you learn and do it all on your own. Deliverables are custom-made for what your needs and projects are, but at the heart, we become your fractional CMO plus COO for your marketing and ops.

Together we create a multi-month container that offers permission slips for the ideas you’re craving to bring into being and the ones you’re ready to let go of but don’t know how, coupled with thoughtful guidance based on experience from years spent in mindful, ethical marketing, administrative and project management workflows, and creative business building. Most coaches and consultants will offer suggestions and high-level strategy — you’ll get that here, but we also want to take it a step further (or several) to make those ideas into reality.

While our working sessions are based on mapping out and executing one project, ongoing thought partnership and co-creation spans at least a quarter of your business, meaning we have the ability to dedicate extensive support across projects and take a considered holistic view of your systems, how they work together, and build upon them or do an extensive deep dive on one project in a way that hones in on all angles.

We adore our ongoing thought partner clients (and from what we’ve heard, the feeling is mutual), because we get to build close working relationships at the same time as building out systems and offerings.

We’ll be your partners for your next ventures and adventures.

what we can explore together

implement your next big idea (and the next one after)

Maybe you’ve realized you’re a big ideas person, and you just need someone to run with them. Let us be the ones to run alongside you and see how far we go fueled by your brilliance.

nervous system meets work systems

Support for when you feel proud of what you’ve created — but you’re feeling a bit too in the weeds and overworked. We got you. Let’s create more alignment for your (actual) capacity.

Support from ideation to creation


We’ll get to the specifics of what you want and then map out the foundation and logistics to build your ideas in ways that support the long-term vision for your work.


We’ll work together to create detailed action plans including elements like timelines, tech recommendations, and launch outlines to back your ideas with some realness.


In the co-creation stage, it’s part us / part you, doing the boots-on-the-ground work to get your systems in place, and create processes, writing, and/or design for your next project.


We’ll make sure those systems make it through the day of their unveiling and then celebrate with you when they do. And then? Get excited all over again for your next project plans.

potential projects










We love to create the templates, systems, and strategies that are the foundational support for your entire content ecosystem, but we also love to create sustainable ease for our nervous systems. We can definitely factor it into mapping out your overall strategies, but social media management is not our jam, nor is ongoing content creation without specific containers or closed timelines, like writing blog posts. If needed, we’ll see if we can find you a friend to lend a hand.

The process

  • Multi-month brand consulting and operations support, plus offering creation


    • 3 Months of Dedicated Support: a blend of coaching and strategy calls with Maggie to hone in on your ideas and work feels, plus creating action plans to make them real

    • Project and Launch Builds: collaboratively mapping out and executing projects from start to finish

    • Virtual Support: ongoing communication to answer your questions along the way

    • Made-For-You Deliverables: agreed on offerings support and creation, like build-outs, templates, systems, design assets, digital products, and messaging

    • Cheerleading: we! will! be! as! excited! as! you! are!


Your Rest Day Support Pals

Photo of Maggie Gentry, a white woman with curly shoulder-length brown hair and glasses wearing a white v-neck dress and smiling in front of a sculpture of sticks


Photo of Iris Rankin, a non-binary white person with chin length wavy brown hair and a dusty pink shirt looking over their shoulder smiling, with a pastel purple and yellow sunset and seaside hill in the background


thought partner process

Case Study

Here’s a snapshot of ongoing thought partnership and co-creation over multiple quarters to give insight into some of the ways we can collaborate over time:

Idea: creating an online learning center for workshops as an additional offering and revenue stream for an in-person therapy practice.

Thought Partnership: brainstorming and mapping out the structure, components, and launch plan through outlines and timelines.

Co-Creation: collaboratively working to create the website, client CRM, and course platform and launch the learning center.

Ongoing Support: project collaboration including workshop creation, online course making, copywriting, and tech support.

Regular Communication: evolving the existing solutions with new project management and marketing strategies as needs change.

Continual Adaptation: assessing what’s next and creating based on what’s needed, like written outreach templates, marketing kits, and a whole new project management workflow.

Let’s (thought) partner up and get co-creating

Investment: Economic Justice Edition

As part of our commitment to financial accessibility and to create access where marginalization and systemic oppression are often a barrier, all of our service-based offerings are based on sliding scale pricing. This pricing scale allows you to consider your intersections of privilege and choose accordingly. Extended payment plans beyond what you see here are available to distribute smaller amounts over more months if needed.

community rate

Starts at $2,500/mo for 3 months

  • This is a reduced rate for those experiencing financial hardship, or who have been impacted by systemic inequity. Please choose this rate if you are Black, Indigenous, a person of color, a member of the LGBTQIAP2-S+ community, live with disabilities, or otherwise know the full rate would cause significant financial hardship. (We got you, babe!)

full rate

Starts at $3,500/mo for 3 months

  • This rate is the actual cost of our labor and resources for this offering. Please choose this rate if you are able to comfortably meet your basic needs with room for some expendable purchases. This is for you if you feel like this rate may cause temporary trade-offs for you but know it will not cause significant financial hardship. (We love a financially responsible hottie!)

pay-it-forward rate

Starts at $4,000/mo for 3 months

  • This rate is the actual cost plus the cost to supplement the reduced rate to make our community access possible. Please choose this rate if you benefit from financial support or systemic privilege that includes access to financial security, property ownership, or generational wealth. (Look at you being a community-supporting cutie!)

Learn more about where you fall on the sliding scale based on your personal financial experience and privilege, check in with our commitment to financial accessibility and transparency, and learn more about sliding scale, economic justice, and financial accessibility in our resource hub.

Time + creation = elation.
Want in on this equation?

Ongoing thought partnership is for returning clients who have gone through our Sustain Working Session.

Why? You get a feel for how we collaborate together and what actionable support looks like, and we get the lay of the land in your work life to be able to offer the right fit recs for what’s next in your business and how we suggest getting there.

new here?

returning clients