Set Your Pricing based on your real needs…And Then Play a Little.

Restful Rates 201 is a continuation of our free 101 mini-course exploring considerations for making money grounded in reality and alignment with your integrity.

This time, it’s less talk, more action! Together we get to build on what you learned in Restful Rates 101 and start to expand it into the constellation of all of your offerings — including both service-based ones and scalable products.

This resource contains a bevy of formula-based spreadsheets, ethically-minded considerations, and even cute playlists to keep the hype high while you’re doing the math necessary to find your numbers in your business.


  • Rate Setting + Project Fee Estimator: a formula for pricing service offerings plus a play space to think through pricing scalable offerings based on number of sales

  • How to price service-based and scalable offerings with latitude to make room for any surprises

  • Some ways to price scalable offerings, with different (systemically minded) pricing factors to consider

  • Ideal Offerings Mix: a spreadsheet to use for projecting and planning an ideal balance of time and revenue for your business (and seeing how many sales it will take to break even on your scalable offerings)

  • Restful Rates Dashboard: a Notion dashboard that has all of the lessons and resources from both Restful Rates 101 and 201 for safekeeping, plus worksheets to fill out questions as you go

  • Money Dates and Financial Frolicking playlists: two cute Spotify playlists to help you focus while you math your math, and then to celebrate when you’re done!

Over Three days, we'll dive into:






  • The short answer is that the hourly rate is a starting place (not a destination), but it is a potentially important one!

    Even though scalable offerings have more factors to consider than hourly, service-based ones, you’re still working with many of the same variables from your reality to get there, like your need-based budget, your time, and your overall capacity to set up and deliver the work. Using those as a foundation to find an hourly rate based on need and ability, and then using that rate to price scalable offerings, can help you think through how many sales you’d need to make for an offering without overworking yourself and provide high-low guide rails for your potential price to keep from under- or over-charging.

    Taking time upfront to align on what will be required for creation, promotion, and a light understanding of how much you need to sell can keep your work on the project right-sized with less second-guessing.

  • Building more equitable structures and processes never happens in isolation, and we're so grateful to have amazing anticapitalist and anti-oppression educators and peers to look to along the way and learn from. There are many educational sources, but two great ones to start with related to rate-setting and personal enoughness include FREELY: An Anti-Capitalist Guide to Pricing Your Work by Bear Hebert and How Much Money is Enough? by Nic Antoinette. Learn more about economic justice and financial accessibility in our resource hub, find more educators and folks to work with in our community referral network, and for more from us, check in with our commitment to financial accessibility and transparency.


Restful Rates 201 is a sliding scale paid offering, a choice we made in order to support the team labor necessary to make our educational resources and a way to offset and be able to sustainably continue to offer free offerings.

No one is turned away for lack of funds, so if the low end of our sliding scale would be a financial hardship, email us and we'll give it to you for free, no questions asked. Learn more about where you fall on the sliding scale based on your personal financial experience and privilege, check in with our commitment to financial accessibility and transparency, and learn more about sliding scale, economic justice, and financial accessibility in our resource hub.